new laws

Riding on the Highway

Highways and interstates areĀ notĀ a motorcyclist’s natural habitat. No, bikers prefer the low-traffic back roads and country routes with pretty views and little congestion. However, sometimes highways are an unavoidable part of our daily commute, so it’s best to learn how to navigate them safely. Here are some tips for riding on the highway safely:

Tip 1 – Ride As If You Are Invisible

Motorcycles are more difficult to see than other cars, especially for drivers in trucks, SUV’s and 18-wheelers. Never assume that another vehicle can see you, and always pass with care.

Tip 2 – Wear Bright Clothes

The brighter your gear, the more visible you will be to other drivers. This is especially true for drivers who have been on the road for more than a few hours. As eye fatigue sets in, the bright colors of high-visibility clothing and helmets are much more noticeable.

Tip 3 – Avoid Tailgaters

Getting tailgated while on a motorcycle is extremely dangerous. Try to communicate using your brake lights and hand signals, and if that doesn’t work then move over a lane until they pass. Never, ever brake check.

Tip 4 – Ride to the Left or Right of the Lane

The center of the lane is far more slippery due to oil, radiator and brake fluid deposits. If you are in the right lane, ride on the right side to avoid catching turbulence from passing vehicles.

Tip 5 – Turbulence

When passing trucks, be aware that you will get hit with a strong wind after overtaking them. The body of the truck blocks the wind as you pass, and as you clear the vehicle a strong turbulence may blast you to the left. Be ready for it.