The Dilemma Zone

We’ve all experienced it: that dilemma zone when a light turns yellow and you can’t decide whether to speed up or slow down. Will it be a long yellow, forcing you to stop early and look dumb as you sit motionless before the light turns red? Or, will it be a short yellow that turns red instantly? Unfortunately, there is no legislation mandating proper yellow light times. However, we do have a few tips to get you through the intersection safely.

1. If you can’t stop, then don’t. Most high speed intersections have long yellows to allow cars more stopping time. So, if you’re traveling over 55 mph and can’t possibly stop safely before the intersection, then chances are you are close enough to cruise through long before the light turns red.

2. Slow down gradually. Never slam on your brakes when you see a yellow light – that is always dangerous. Instead, slow down gradually, giving the people behind you plenty of time to react. Plus, if the light stays yellow longer than expected, you will still be slowly coming to a stop instead of sitting motionless waiting for the light to turn red.

3. Trust no one. If the light is yellow and you’re about to make a left turn, then do so. However, if there is oncoming traffic then don’t expect them to slow down, or even stop as the light turns red. Most drivers seem to think that yellow means “Hurry up and speed through the intersection!”.