Harley-davidson Motorcyclist

Motorcycle Awareness for the Clueless

Some drivers are just clueless about the lives of motorcyclists. They have no idea what the roads look like from the perspective of two-wheelers, and no sense of the dangers faced by riders every day. And, why should they? There certainly aren’t any questions about motorcycles on the drivers license test, or any motorcycle awareness classes required before sharing the road with these fearless riders.

It’s O.K. to be a clueless driver, that is, it’s not your fault. However, ignorance is NOT bliss when it comes to sharing the road with motorcyclists, because the less you know the more likely you are to be involved in an accident with a motorcycle. Since the fatality rate in motorcycle collisions is so high, this devastating experience is not something you want to happen, ever.

And so, in honor of Motorcycle Awareness Month, we’ll be featuring a daily lesson in Motorcycle Awareness for the Clueless. This is for all you drivers out there, especially those who have never experienced the thrill of being on a motorcycle personally.

Tune in tomorrow for our first lesson: Why is that scary biker honking at me?