Here Comes the Sun: Summer Car Care Tips

That great ball of fire in the sky, our beloved sun, seems to be growing hotter by the day. Its awesome power can cause some serious damage to vehicles in the summer – from cracked paint to smoking engines – so it’s important to know a few basic summer car care tips.

Don’t Let Your Battery Burn Out

Extreme heat can destroy your vehicle’s battery. Hot temperatures cause battery fluid to evaporate, and that interior damage will eventually lead to a dead battery, leaving you stranded (possibly with a car full of quickly-spoiling groceries). Drivers can prevent this inconvenience by taking a few precautions:

Keep it Clean

Dirt, sand and debris on the surface of your car and engine can cause permanent damage. Visit the car wash often, especially after a trip to the beach. Be sure to use engine cleaner and finish with coat of wax to protect your paint from the sun, as well as repel future dirt, debris and water spots.

Park it in the Shade

This is an obvious one, however, finding that shade is sometimes very difficult. When there is no available tree cover or parking garages, you can use timing and infrastructure to find shade on the hottest of days. In the AM, drivers can find shade on the west side of taller buildings, and in the PM, the shade will be on the east side of buildings.

Windshield Cover

Using a windshield sunshade will keep your car’s interior much cooler. It also prevents deterioration of the dash board, steering wheel, center console and car seats.

Crack Your Windows

This little bit of ventilation makes a huge difference in your vehicle’s interior temperatures. Remember, cracked windows will prevent cracked car seats.

Keep these pointers in mind, and this summer won’t be too terribly rough on your ride. Knowing about summer car care tips is a good way to help your vehicle live a long and happy life.