Essential Car Supplies

Spring is the season of the road trip. Whether you’re going cross-country, meandering through the wildflower back roads, or just heading to the beach, these must-have car supplies will keep you well-equipped for any situation.

Jumper cables. It’s not that hard to kill a battery. Some cars will light up when the door isn’t closed completely, some headlights don’t turn off automatically, and sometimes you leave the radio on a little too long. In any case, jump starting the vehicle back to life is easy enough, and usually there is a fellow motorist that is more than willing to help.

Spare tire. Never leave home without a spare tire. It’s much easier to change a tire when the blowout happens than to get stranded somewhere, walk or hitch a ride to the nearest tire store (which will probably rip you off), lug it back and then change it.

Tire Jack. Obviously, you can’t change a tire without a jack, so be sure to find the right tire jack for your vehicle and always have it packed in the trunk. This can also come in handy for getting your vehicle out of mud and deep sand.

Tire Gauge. Checking your tire pressure on long road trips can improve fuel efficiency and even prevent blowouts.

Flashlight. Keep a flashlight in the trunk (or where you can always find it) to use if you get a flat in the dark, or simply need to find your wallet in that black hole between the seats.

Cell Phone. Seriously, how did people survive before cell phones were invented?

Phone Charger. Don’t forget the phone charger for your vehicle. Life will suddenly become much more difficult without the ability to call for help if the car breaks down. Not to mention, you may want to meet up with friends, call ahead for pizza, make hotel reservations or check in with the folks.

Roadmap. Phones and GPS may be great navigation tools, but you should never put too much faith in technology. A good old fashioned map doesn’t need a power source or satellite signal to work, so you will always have a dependable resource for finding your way.

Windshield Scraper. If you’re heading up north then you may need a windshield scraper for ice and snow. A frozen windshield can really delay your travel time.

Proof of Insurance. Your license and proof of insurance should always be in the car when you drive.

Having these essential car supplies will keep you safe and self-sufficient on the road. So, pack smart and always be prepared. Happy travels.