How’s My Driving?

The common “How’s My Driving?” bumper sticker can be found on many-a-truck these days. How many people do you think call these phone numbers each year? Well, it probably depends on how the driver performs, but I’d guess that it would have to be some pretty terrible driving for someone to go out of their way to call a number off of a bumper sticker.

A trucker committing any of these mistakes is sure to get a complaint called in:

  1. Cutting Someone Off. Not only is it dangerous (and rude) to cut someone off in traffic, but it also gives the driver behind you a very good view of your license plate to record and complain about.
  2. Tailgating. The trifecta of terrible driving: dangerous, rude and stupid. Tailgating accomplishes NOTHING and risks everything. Keep a respectable distance when following other vehicles or you’re just going to create a very dangerous situation for everyone.
  3. Driving Too Fast. If you’re hauling gas and driving too fast, other drivers are sure to get a little uneasy. No one wants to share the road with a speeding atom bomb, and that fear is sure to cause people to dial in for safety.
  4. Unnecessary Passing. If you’re going to pass a car, then make sure it’s worth it. Don’t pass them up only to merge back into their lane and drive slower than their speed. Make sure the vehicle is consistently driving slower than your preferred rate before passing them up. Nobody likes to play leap frog.
  5. Getting Stuck at an Intersection. Misjudging a turn and getting stuck at an intersection is a major fail. In this case, it won’t just be the driver behind you filing a complaint. As traffic builds up, many cars full of cell phone-wielding drivers and passengers will start dialing up the safety number. Plus, the police are more than likely to get involved.

Everyone makes mistakes. If you have made any of these particular mistakes, then don’t beat yourself up. Just remember to pay attention and drive safe and you’ll already be a better driver than half the people out there.