distracted driving

Map Apps and Distracted Driving

Using the wrong map app, or using it the wrong way, or even using it at all can be a dangerous thing to do while driving. Every millisecond that your eyes are off the road is a millisecond too long. In the realm of distracted driving, map apps that require you to look away from the road are right up there with texting, dialing phone numbers and taking selfies while behind the wheel.

This issue has caught the attention of the Transportation Department, which is seeking the authority from Congress to regulate navigation aids of all kinds, including smartphone apps.

Much like the regulation of mechanical features on cars (such as seat belts, brakes, exhaust, etc.), the proposal would give the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration authority to regulate navigation aids. However, advancements in smartphone technology move much quicker than any mechanical changes in cars, and tech companies claim that it would be impossible for laws to keep up with the ever-evolving world of smartphone features. Meanwhile, automakers largely support the measure, and are already complying with voluntary guidelines for their built-in navigation systems.

What everyone needs to remember is that distracted driving is the issue. Whether we see more regulations or not, people will continue to be distracted by cell phones, putting on makeup, and even reading good old-fashioned maps. These distractions will result in moving violations, collisions and fatal crashes.

So, what can we do about it? We can create awareness and share knowledge, that’s what. We can use technology to cure technological problems. Volkswagon’s recent viral video is a prime example:

That short, yet powerful video has reached millions of people in just a matter of days.