Protecting Motorcyclists

With the warmer weather, drivers will be seeing a lot more motorcycles on the road. It’s important to be aware of the dangers that motorcycle riders face, and to always drive safely and respectfully no matter who you are sharing the road with. Last year, there were 4,762 motorcyclists killed in accidents, and any number of fatal crashes is too many. So this year, let’s keep an eye out for our friends on bikes. Here are a few tips to follow to prevent more motorcycle deaths this year:

– DO NOT TAILGATE! Motorcycles can stop much more quickly than cars, so be sure to give them plenty of distance in case they need to turn or brake suddenly to avoid an accident.

– Look twice before turning or switching lanes. Motorcycles are often unseen by people in cars and trucks.

– Give motorcycles a full lane width. There’s not enough room for the both of you. Even if you think they are turning, don’t attempt to pass until they have completed the turn. Many bikes have turn signals that don’t turn off automatically, and riders often forget to turn them off.


A collision with a motorcycle is most often fatal for the rider, so drive safe this season and help keep our motorcylists alive.