summer motorcycle tips

Summer Motorcycle Tips: The Hidden Dangers of Heat

Not many novice riders consider the dangers of long rides in extreme summer heat. Without the proper gear and preparation, a casual country ride can quickly turn into a test in survival skills.

One of the most important things a motorcyclist can do before any cruise is HYDRATE! This is especially true during the summer. Dehydration is exacerbated by sweating, and can lead to a state of mind similar to driving while intoxicated. If you are planning a ride through the desert or hill country – where gas stations are few and far between – be sure to pack some bottled water or an iced down water jug for the trip.

Wearing the right gear is another important aspect of summer riding. Riding in a full-leather getup will result in the sauna-effect, which is sure to fog the mind. So invest in some good summer riding gear, such as mesh jackets and breathable under-armor that can create an air-conditioning effect as you ride.

Motorcyclists can also try to avoid riding during the peak heat hours, around 2 PM to 4 PM. Morning and evening rides are always nice and cool on a motorcycle, so why not just plan accordingly?

These are just a few summer motorcycle tips to think over as the weather warms up, but rest assured, we’ll have more advice for hot weather riding as summer gets into full swing.