car owner

Technological Safety

Cars are becoming smarter every day, companies are constantly innovating, and psuedo-futuristic technology is always being tested and making headlines. However, several technological safety features have been on the market for years now, with some being available in more affordable cars. So, if you’re looking for a safe new ride then keep an eye out for these life-saving extras:

Adaptive cruise control. Forward-looking sensors automatically reduce speed as traffic slows down.

Forward collision avoidance system. Forward-looking sensors alert drivers when their vehicle gets to close to the one in front of it.

Autonomous braking. Exactly what it sounds like. If the vehicle gets too close to another vehicle, it automatically brakes to prevent a collision or lessen the impact.

Adaptive headlights. Headlights that aim in the direction that the driver steers.

Backup camera. Gives drivers a better view when reversing.

Backup sensors. alerts drivers when they are about to hit something while backing up.

Side view assist. Detects other vehicles in a blind spot and alerts the driver.