bicycle heaven

Copenhagen’s Bicycle Heaven

We all wish that bicyclists and drivers could live in harmony. Though, we must admit, this relationship would be a lot better if our infrastructure was built for it.

Copenhagen is a prime example of bicycle heaven. In this ultra-bicycle-friendly city, more than 50% of residents ride their bike to work. And, why wouldn’t they? With traffic lights timed for bicycle speeds, cobblestone paths with smoothed shoulders, and parking systems that buffer cycle lanes from moving traffic, it’s no wonder that more people feel safe enough to commute via bike.

And now, Copenhagen has topped itself as one of the most bicycle friendly cities in the world. With the addition of the Cykelslangen, or Cycle Snake, bicyclists can now skip the traffic and congestion all together, and ride over this awesome skyway.

See the full story (and all the beautiful photos) of bicycle heaven here:

Copenhagen’s New Bike Skyway Makes Commuting Look Fun

A Letter from Cyclists

The message is simple: Motorists need to respect cyclists, and cyclists need to respect motorists. Both need to follow the laws of the road, drive and ride responsibly, and be safe out there so that everyone can #ArriveAlive.

See the powerful letter read from mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters… cyclists.

Houston’s Pro-Cyclist City Plan

Houston has taken a huge step towards improving bicycle safety. “By working together we can become one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in the nation,” Mayor Annise Parker said in a press release. That’s big news for a big city that isn’t known for its bicycle-friendly infrastructure. However, city officials and safe-biking activists have collaborated to create plan that just might work.

Dubbed “Goal Zero”, the improved safety plan includes stepping up enforcement and penalties for reckless drivers and cyclists, and launching a public awareness campaign that could integrate with the drivers license test. Additionally, the city is dedicating $50,000 to hire a firm that will create a Bicycle Management Plan to help guide future infrastructure and recommend locations for dedicated bike lanes on Houston streets.

No matter what city you are in, respecting and sharing the road with cyclists is vital to ensuring everyone’s safety. Give cyclists plenty of room, pass with care and don’t ever, ever drive distracted.