Faster is Better?

Here at the Test Questions and Answers blog, we like to advocate for safe driving practices. We like to promote a safety-oriented driving style for all our new drivers. We also like to share the lesser-known facts of life on the road, things that you won’t learn from your local driving instructor.

With that in mind, we’d like to share a video with some counter-intuitive ideas (and surprising facts!) about speed limits. Mainly, the idea that sometimes faster is better.

Now, all you eager teenage speedsters shouldn’t get too excited. This video argues that raising speed limits could reduce traffic collisions. It does not advocate for breaking the law and driving over the speed limit. It certainly doesn’t advocate for street racing, or even driving faster than normal highway speeds.

Nevertheless, it’s always cool to learn something that shatters our common assumptions, our basic understanding of accepted realities. Now that you know something most others don’t, show off your new-found knowledge and share the story!

And remember, don’t just drive faster, #drivesafe.

buyer's tips

Driver Goof-ups: It happens to the Best of Us

We can all be a little absent-minded from time to time. At some point, everyone forgets where they parked, or leaves their coffee on the roof of the car. In fact, a recent survey by had some very revealing percentages to share:

  • 52% of drivers surveyed have forgotten where they parked
  • 43% drove over a curb in a parking lot
  • 37% locked keys in the car
  • 31% drove away with something on the roof
  • 29% tried to open a car door and realized it wasn’t their car
  • 27% couldn’t back out of a parking spot because other cars or objects were too close
  • 26% dropped money or food at a drive-thru window
  • 22% accidentally started the car alarm and couldn’t turn it off quickly
  • 13% couldn’t get out of a round-about and kept driving in circles
  • 11% drove away from a gas pump with the nozzle still in the tank
  • 8% forgot a passenger and had to go back
  • 8% got in a car and realized it wasn’t their car

Humans are not perfect creatures, so if you’re guilty of one of these common driver goof-ups, then don’t feel bad. It happens to the best of us.

motorcycle awareness month

Motorcycle Awareness Month: A Reminder to Save Lives

As Motorcycle Awareness Month comes to an end, we’d like to remind all drivers (from 4-wheelers to 18-wheelers) to take extra care this summer, and always be aware that the road is full of 2-wheelers.

After a few years of lower motorcycle crash rates, fatalities are now on the rise again. Both motorcyclists and “cagers” need to stay AWARE! and SHARE THE ROAD!

Here are some great tips from the NHTSA on how to share the road with motorcyclists:

  • Allow the motorcycle the full width of a lane at all times.
  • Always signal when changing lanes or merging with traffic.
  • Check all mirrors and blind spots for motorcycles before changing lanes or merging with traffic, especially at intersections.
  • Always allow more follow distance – three to four seconds – when behind a motorcycle. This gives them more time to maneuver or stop in an emergency.
  • Motorcycle signals are often non-canceling and could have been forgotten. Always ensure that the motorcycle is turning before proceeding.

You can also scroll down to read our Motorcycle Awareness for the Clueless series, which features a few not-so-common lessons on sharing the road with motorcyclists.

Motorcycle Awareness Month is a time to spread the word about safe driving practices, but drivers should always remember to #drivesafe if they want to help save lives!