armored gloves

A More Articulate Hand: Armored Gloves with Better Flexibility

There is a common conundrum when choosing motorcycle gloves: a decision you must make between true protection and improved flexibility. Traditional gloves allow your fingers more agility and tactile function. Meanwhile,  the modern “hand armor” style provides better protection and less tactile control. However, Del Rosario is working on a solution to this age-old dilemma: a glove that allows fingers to move with the freedom of traditional gloves while providing the protection of modern-day hand armor. Just before the company hit the production line, the good folks at had a few questions to ask. See the full story here:

5 Reasons to Wear Gloves When You Ride

While the helmet debate rages on, people often overlook the importance of a good pair of gloves. Whether they’re just some old rodeo gloves or high-dollar pro gloves, this essential gear should always be worn – whether or not you wear a helmet. Here’s why:

Control. Gloves greatly improve grip and response, which can be life-saving in situations that require lighting-fast reflexes. You know, like when that driver is texting and seemingly trying to swerve into you.

Weather. Hot weather can make the palms sweaty, and rainy weather will certainly get them wet, resulting in dangerous slippage. In cold weather, not only are freezing hands a discomfort, they’re also more prone to cramping that can make it hard to flex and move when they are most needed.

Blisters. Hands are used A LOT when riding a motorcycle. It won’t take long to get a blister or rash, and when that happens you’ll understand just how difficult everything becomes.

Falls. The natural reaction when falling off a bike is to put your hands out in the “Ahhhh, this gonna huuuurrrt!” pose. With gloves, your panic-posing hands will be protected from skin-peeling asphalt. This is especially important because the healing process for hands takes much longer than other parts of the body. Hands are always moving, flexing, stretching and holding. Every movement will break the skin back apart, and lengthen the healing time.

Independence. Try to live one day without hands. You will notice how difficult it is to eat, drink and even turn on the TV. What about work? Whether you’re an IT guy in Silicon Valley or a rancher down in Texas, odds are your hands are an indispensable part of the job. And, that’s not even the worst part. Life can suddenly get very complicated when your hands are too damaged to even go to the bathroom.

So find a good pair of gloves and never forget them. These handy hand-protectors won’t be cramping anyone’s style.