African-american Woman With Young Man In Kitchen

Parental Spy Technology

A new breed of parental gadgets has hit the market: devices that enable parents to monitor their teen’s driving habits. This new technology can sense a car’s speed, rate of acceleration and deceleration, as well as use GPS to track location. However, the way parents use this technology could do more harm than good. NPR takes a look at the effects of this parental spying technology, discussing incredibly important aspects of the dilemma. See the full story here:

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Long before teens begin their formal driver training, they are quietly and subconsciously taking driving queues from their parents. Every time a parent fails to come to a complete stop, or drives over the speed limit, or changes lanes without a blinker, their kid takes a mental note for later use.

So, the best way to ensure your kids will drive safely is to be a good driving role model. Don’t fiddle with the phone, break or bend the traffic laws, or drive aggressively. Be a safe and smart driver and chances are your kid will do the same.