Use Your Mirrors

Mirrors. All cars and trucks come equipped with these low-tech, yet essential safety features. Unlike other higher-tech gadgets, these good old-fashioned reflections provide drivers with a constant, trustworthy source for predicting the future.

How can you use your mirrors to predict the future? All you have to do is look, really. By taking quick, occasional glances, drivers become more aware of their surroundings. And, situational awareness is they key to accurate predictions.

Check your mirrors periodically to maintain a mental 360-degree view of the highway. Note how many cars, trucks and motorcycles are surrounding you. Note how fast or slow they are going. Keep an eye out for speed-demons, distracted drivers and other erratic behavior. Look out for people weaving in and out of lanes. And, watch out for vehicles slowly creeping into your blind spot.

By keeping track of all these traffic nuances that surround you, you can better prepare for quick changes and easily predict emergency situations. You will know where those less-visible motorcycles and scooters are. You will know where the crazies are heading. And, you will know where you need to be in order to drive safely.

Never underestimate the importance of your mirrors. They are there for a reason, so use them and use them often.